Mosurlow Profile Picture
 Junior league
Mosurlow   reposted from Recies

I've had this cheeky little flawless reward sitting in my vault for a while now and thought it was high time I gave it a whirl!.  

8 years ago - Youtube

Mosurlow   reposted from Pire1987

Going over the supposed Year 2 Moments of Triumph that were leaked from data-mining Destiny after Patch 2.3 released. Moments of Triumph was an activity that had you complete important activities in Year 1 (The Vault of Glass, finding all gold chests, etc.) for an elusive and rare emblem. The year 2 moments of triumph event will likely release on Bungie Day (July 7th) for similar rewards. My Twitter:.  

8 years ago - Youtube

Mosurlow   reposted from Olecove

I do lets play and fun game and try to entertain you good people of the unvirse.  

8 years ago - Youtube

Mosurlow   reposted from Neart1984

Welcome back everybody to another video, and this time I’ll be showing you some tips, tricks and strategies on how to be the best Control player you possibly can be, enjoy. The control game mode in crucible is one of the 2 most team focused modes in Destiny (other one being Rift) and it has some quirks to it, here are the most important parts of the game mode:. The More the Merrier - To make quick work of capturing a point get as many teammates into the points area. Each guardian within this zone will increase the rate at which it is captured. The faster you capture a point, the faster your team can move onto the next.  

8 years ago - Youtube

Mosurlow   reposted from Leoutitend1982

Alice wanted to play the game but couldn't so she played DIM insteadc. Comment, rate, consider subscribing and thanks for viewing!. Watch Live every night at 10pm-6am EST. Twitter at.  

8 years ago - Youtube